volatile organic material — летучее органическое вещество
Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики. 2014.
Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики. 2014.
vom — vom … Deutsch Wörterbuch
vom — vom … Hochdeutsch - Plautdietsch Wörterbuch
VOM — Les VOM sont des voies réservées aux véhicules à occupation multiple. Sommaire 1 Voies réservées aux véhicules à occupation multiple au Canada 1.1 Contexte 1.2 Contexte de politique … Wikipédia en Français
vom — [fɔm] <Verschmelzung von »von« + »dem«>: a) <die Verschmelzung kann aufgelöst werden> sie war vom Baum gefallen. b) <die Verschmelzung kann nicht aufgelöst werden> sie war wie vom Donner gerührt; vom Fleisch fallen; das kommt… … Universal-Lexikon
VOM — can refer to: *Volt/Ohm Meter, another name for a multimeter. *Voice of the Martyrs group of Christian organizations devoted to raising awareness of persecutions of Christians around the world *VOM (Multimeter) *VOM (punk rock band)Vom can refer… … Wikipedia
vom´it|er — vom|it «VOM iht», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to throw up what has been eaten; expel the contents of the stomach through the mouth. 2. Figurative. to come out with force or violence. –v.t. 1. to bring up and eject through the mouth (swallowed food or… … Useful english dictionary
vom|it — «VOM iht», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to throw up what has been eaten; expel the contents of the stomach through the mouth. 2. Figurative. to come out with force or violence. –v.t. 1. to bring up and eject through the mouth (swallowed food or drink). 2 … Useful english dictionary
vom|i|ca — «VOM uh kuh», noun. Medicine. 1. an ulcerous cavity or abscess, usually in the lungs. 2. the pus in such a cavity or abscess. ╂[< Latvomica boil, ulcer < vomere to eject, vomit] … Useful english dictionary
vom|i|to|ri|um — «VOM uh TAWR ee uhm, TOHR », noun, plural to|ri|a « TAWR ee uh, TOHR ». a passage providing entrance and exit in a theater, stadium, or other public place; vomitory: »the great vomitoria…designed to handle the crowds in Pennsylvania Station… … Useful english dictionary
vom|i|to|ry — «VOM uh TAWR ee, TOHR », adjective, noun, plural ries. –adj. 1. causing vomiting. 2. of or having to do with vomiting. –n. 1. = emetic. (Cf. ↑emetic) 2. an opening through which something is discharged. 3. a passage by which spectators enter or… … Useful english dictionary
vom|i|to — «VOM uh toh», noun, or vomito negro, black vomit, especially the black vomit of yellow fever. ╂[< Spanish vómito (negro) (black) vomit < Latin vomitus] … Useful english dictionary